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Confira as dicas sobre como administrar sua CryptoTab Farm como um profissional e tire o máximo proveito dela.

Cryptocurrency salaries are real
Notícias da indústria

Cryptocurrency salaries are real

Today, we are witnessing the expansion of cryptocurrency’s global privileges. For example, a member of the Argentine House of Representatives Jose Luis Ramon announced the introduction of a bill allowing employees to be paid in cryptocurrency (either partially or in whole). According to the deputy, today cryptocurrency provides employees with a wide range of advantages and tackles several issues at once, including the “strengthening of the workers’ autonomy” along with “sustaining the purchasing power” of their assets. Thus, all employees will be free to choose between the standard salary format and the cryptocurrency one. In such an event, it is the employer who will bear all the costs related to the transfer of cryptocurrency to an employee. The impetus for the bill’s elaboration was largely due to the country's participation in the Global Forum on the Knowledge Economy several years ago.
How to add miners after I installed CryptoTab Farm app?

How to add miners after I installed CryptoTab Farm app?

With CryptoTab Farm you can have an unlimited number of miners added to your farm. Don’t know where to start and how to connect your computer? Don’t worry, we will explain everything.
Resultados do concurso do CryptoTab

Resultados do concurso do CryptoTab

O nosso concurso Get Ready for Summer 2021 teve mais de 1001 vencedores, mas nem todos receberam ainda os seus prémios. Talvez você esteja entre estas pessoas! Consulte a lista de vencedores para saber mais. O seu prémio está à sua espera!
Why now’s the best time to start crypto mining
Notícias da indústria

Why now’s the best time to start crypto mining

In May 2021, a massive cryptocurrency crackdown happened in China: the government banned cryptocurrency mining in four major provinces. The clampdown led to the forced relocation of a solid number of both Chinese and international digital assets companies and brought about a drop in the bitcoin hash rate by more than 50%. The Chinese government's ultimate ban on financial institutions, including banks and online payment channels for applying cryptocurrency, then echoed around the world and hit the news reports of multiple crypto websites. According to Kevin Zhang, Vice President of Business Development at Chinese crypto company Foundry, by the end of June 2021, about 90% of Chinese miners were forced to completely stop mining digital assets.
Not sure about the app? Try desktop first!

Not sure about the app? Try desktop first!

One more tip for those who are not ready to use the CryptoTab Farm app on mobile.
Can I mine on my mobile?

Can I mine on my mobile?

Currently, mining is not possible on mobile devices. We comply with Google's policies and according to the rules, mobile mining is not an option. But let us tell you about the possible options.
Mine on your PC, manage on your mobile!

Mine on your PC, manage on your mobile!

Do I only need a computer to use the CryptoTab Farm app? No! You can manage your miner on the computer without the CryptoTab Farm app, but in order to use the full functionality, easily withdraw funds, and control the entire process remotely, you need to install the CryptoTab Farm app on your phone. With this app, you can set up mining as efficiently as possible, be always aware of what is happening, and manage your farm on the go at any time, wherever you are
O concurso "Prepare-se para o verão de 2021" terminou!

O concurso "Prepare-se para o verão de 2021" terminou!

Comece do zero e fique mais rico com a grande oferta do CryptoTab! Este ano, estamos distribuindo mais de US$ 17.000 para aqueles que estão mais ativos para convidar novos usuários. Convide o máximo de pessoas que puder para ganhar um dos 5 prêmios principais.
O CryptoTab Lite está aqui!

O CryptoTab Lite está aqui!

Sabemos que tem estado à espera disto. A agora o CryptoTab Lite está disponível no Mercado Google Play!
Aumente os seus rendimentos com a nossa nova aplicação

Aumente os seus rendimentos com a nossa nova aplicação

É com enorme prazer que lhe apresentamos o nosso novo produto, a CryptoTab Farm! Esta é uma oportunidade verdadeiramente única de criar a sua própria 'fazenda' de mineração, mesmo que só tenha um computador. Quer multiplicar os seus ganhos com a BTC? É fácil! Não precisa de gastar dinheiro em equipamento especial ou ter conhecimentos especializados. Ligue um número ilimitado de computadores, controle-os remotamente através do seu 'smartphone' e ajuste o horário de atividade para obter a mineração mais eficaz e lucrativa.
Back in accumulation mode
Notícias da indústria

Back in accumulation mode

On-chain data shows long-term BTC holders are back in accumulation mode after the recent shake-out.
Cryptocurrency can now be paid everywhere
Notícias da indústria

Cryptocurrency can now be paid everywhere

Coinbase has officially announced that you can now use your Coinbase Card with Apple Pay and Google Pay to buy goods and services with cryptocurrency.
 Is BTC an Environmental Catastrophe?
Notícias da indústria

Is BTC an Environmental Catastrophe?

Lately, the number of headlines and tweets about Bitcoin’s energy use and potential environmental impact has grown. Does Bitcoin use too much energy? Is it possible to mine BTC using only 100% renewable energy sources? Let’s find the answers to these questions.
Obtenha a versão PRO com o melhor preço

Obtenha a versão PRO com o melhor preço

Desfrute de uma navegação tranquila e segura sem interrupções na última versão PRO do CryptoTab Browser. Nós incorporamos um poderoso bloqueador de anúncios para que você se sinta livre de quaisquer vídeos comerciais, pop-ups indesejados e banners que o incomodam ao longo do tempo. Aproveite a nossa melhor oferta: torne-se um profissional por um preço baixo recorde.
O que está acontecendo com as transações? Por que demora tanto tempo?

O que está acontecendo com as transações? Por que demora tanto tempo?

CA equipe da CryptoTab tenta transferir o Bitcoin para as carteiras dos usuários o mais rápido possível. Mas nos últimos dias, uma longa inscrição é um dado que não depende de nós. Já discutimos alguns dos motivos para esses atrasos, mas, desta vez, veio de onde não esperávamos — da China .
Blackouts in China Have Pushed Bitcoin’s Hashrate Down 49%
Notícias da indústria

Blackouts in China Have Pushed Bitcoin’s Hashrate Down 49%

Last weekend the Bitcoin network hashrate has dropped more than 49%, after hitting an all-time high at 218 exahash per second, reaching 169 EH/s. Immediately after that, regional reporter Colin Wu tweeted about power outages in China. “The hashrate of Bitcoin mining pools plummeted in 24 hours. Antpool fell by 24.5%, fell by 18.9%, Poolin fell by 33%, Binance pool fell by 20%,” he said. “The reason is that Northwest China is undergoing a complete blackout for safety inspections.”
More and more opportunities down the road
Notícias da indústria

More and more opportunities down the road

On Monday Visa announced that it now makes payments in the USDC (USD Coin) on the Ethereum blockchain. As appeared, Visa is now considered as the first major payments network with Stablecoin as a settlement currency, though previously settling payments in fiat currencies only.
You can still capitalize on the BTC upsurge!
Notícias da indústria

You can still capitalize on the BTC upsurge!

During an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Anthony Scaramucci compared Bitcoin’s future to Amazon shares. “Bitcoin is 12 years old. Amazon shares had a 64x return on your money from 2009 to 2021 after the 12th year,” Scaramucci said, noting that nobody expected Amazon shares to soar up in the next dozen years. They have actually surged more than 3,600% from the company’s IPO in May 1997 to May 2009.
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