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Il nuovo aggiornamento è arrivato!

L'app di CryptoTab Farm è ora disponibile su iOS!

L'app di CryptoTab Farm è ora disponibile su iOS!

We are so excited to present you the CryptoTab Farm version for iOS! Now you can connect any of your PCs to your farm, now Windows and soon macOS, and earn even more. Make all your computers generate income, install miners on them and easily get your crypto.

Manage farm from your iPhone!

Not familiar with CryptoTab Farm? Check it out now! It is a unique app that allows you to create your own mining farm with an unlimited number of computers. So quick to set up and easy to manage! You can adjust settings, check up-to-date statistics, optimize mining schedule, and withdraw your BTC without limitations and commissions at any time. Great opportunity to receive passive income without investment. Can it be any better?

Try CryptoTab Farm on Android or iOS. See how easy it is to turn your computer into a mining machine!

Get it onApp Store

Pubblicato: 18.08.2021

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