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Organize open tabs
Use your browser smart with CTabs

Did you know that we have recently launched a new product CTabs? It is a super convenient tool for your browser that helps organize open tabs and saves up to 95% of memory usage.

Imagine, too many tabs are open at the same time and the browser starts to slow down, but you don't want to close them. Now it's not a problem! You can transform open tabs into a list, create groups, regroup and restore them back to separate tabs in just one click. Now all your tabs will be at hand, whether it is information for work, study, or just pages with films that you want to watch. You will have quick and convenient access to everything with minimal expenditure of computer resources, and you won’t lose any of the tabs even if you restart your computer. On top of that, CTabs helps reduce memory consumption by up to 95%. It allows your browser to work faster!

You can use the CTabs extension with CryptoTab or any Chrome browser. Just a couple of clicks and you take using tabs to the next level — much more convenient than before!


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Pubblicato: 19.08.2021

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