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Earn BTC without installing the miner on your computer

We launched a Pool Miner on Android!

We launched a Pool Miner on Android!

Don’t have your own PC but want to mine? Want to try mining without installing a worker on your computer? Prefer to first find the miner’s configuration that suits your needs, before buying expensive hardware? Now you can do it all! That’s right, you don't need to install a miner on your own computer to start earning.

Now every CryptoTab Farm member can use a Pool Miner! The Pool Miner function allows you to mine without installing the miner on your own computer. We created this opportunity so that absolutely all users can mine and earn, regardless of what device they have. You can explore mining first with Pool Miner and then install mining software on your own PC. Choose the preferred configuration and define the miner working period, keep in mind that the longer the period, the lower the cost of the hashrate. That’s it, enjoy the mining! Use the same powerful dashboard to manage your Pool Miners and receive notifications. Everything is as simple as with ordinary miners on your own computer!

So don’t hesitate, try the Pool Miner option and start earning easily! Already available on Android, and soon to be on iOS.


Publicado: 28.10.2021

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