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CryptoTab Farm Tips

Not sure about the app? Try desktop first!

Not sure about the app? Try desktop first!

One more tip for those who are not ready to use the CryptoTab Farm app on mobile.

If you are not sure that you want to install the app, it’s all right! You can start using CryptoTab Farm miner just on your computer. Download free mining software on your Windows and macOS PC. Try it first, see how mining works, and start earning! Did you like it? Then try the app to add more miners and manage them remotely.

To add a miner to your farm dashboard use a QR code. Just scan it with any scanner and a powerful CryptoTab Farm dashboard will be installed on your mobile. Manage your miners remotely and get notified about the important farm events. Start earning and grow your income.

Feel free to download the app whenever you want. It will give you more options and ways to manage your farm. You can also check our video instructions on how to build a mining farm.

Explore CryptoTab Farm capabilities and increase your income!


Publicado: 08.07.2021

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