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Don’t miss the spring discount season

Half Price for the Pool Miner

Half Price for the Pool Miner

We’re constantly trying to make our products available to everyone so that all our users get acquainted with the world of cryptocurrency easily as well as at a minimal cost. And due to the Bitcoin price fluctuation, we decided to make everything even more accessible: we minimized the Pool Miner prices so you can maximize your profit! Yes, now our prices for Pool Miners have been reduced and your discount will reach –50%! This is the best time to learn how to mine and of course, introduce Pool Miners to your friends!

One of the reasons why Pool Miners is a great starting point is that it allows you to build your own CryptoTab Farm without a computer. So any CryptoTab Farm user can take up mining without getting any extra soft- or hardware at all and get the same earnings as with regular miners. Another asset of Pool Miners is that you can estimate your profit in advance by choosing from a range of miner configurations and work periods, and earn from day one, no matter what device you have.

Whether you are a newbie to mining or a skilled crypto farmer, there will hardly be a better time to get the Pool Miner at such a low price rate — so, don’t hesitate to set the desired configuration, plan your income, and expand your mining farm!


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