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Get more control over your money
Changed your mind? No problem!

Sometimes one rash decision can cost you a lot of money — with CryptoTab it's not the case anymore. Our all-mighty code wizards have just put out an update that enables payment canceling — even if it’s already been approved. Useful, huh?

When you’ve realized that the wallet ID is wrong; when you’ve decided to mine a bit more before withdrawing; when you’ve spotted a scam — “Cancel Payment” button saves you. More confidence, less stress for our users — that’s the goal we always keep in mind here in CryptoTab.

We still strongly recommend you to double-check a withdrawal request and other payment data. But now mistakes are way less fatal. So stay calm & keep using CryptoTab — 'cause that’s the way to go!

Please, note!

A request can be canceled while being processed by CryptoTab. Once the payment information is transferred to the blockchain - you won't be able to cancel it.

Start mining

Published: 05.06.2019

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