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Get More for Being the First!

Be the First to Promote your CryptoTab Farm

Get More for Being the First!

With our Affiliate Program, it is easy to increase your income in BTC. But do you want to take it even further? Then encourage your friends to join CryptoTab Farm — and do it among the first!

Why should you be the first? Well, by sharing promotional materials about CryptoTab Farm before other people do, you have an advantage — you are able to attract a larger audience on different platforms. Your unique content will get a lot of views, and people will start using CryptoTab Farm and become your referrals, while you will receive a bonus equal to 15% of their mining. It means you will get more BTC! And with each new referral, your income will grow!

Don’t limit yourself: share your posts on Twitter and Facebook, make videos on YouTube, send texts through messengers, and invite friends to join CryptoTab Farm — be the first and become a trendsetter in the mining farm world!


Published: 08.06.2022

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