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CryptoTab Farm New Features

Can I mine on my mobile?

Can I mine on my mobile?

Currently, mining is not possible on mobile devices. We comply with Google's policies and according to the rules, mobile mining is not an option. But let us tell you about the possible options.

Most of the CryptoTab users have their own computers or laptops. All these devices can be connected to the CryptoTab Farm. But what if you don't have them? We have found a solution to this problem—use pool mining which will be available soon! This feature meets all the rules and requirements and gives you more opportunities to mine without your own PC.

Pool mining feature on mobiles will help you to boost your income even more and access your miners on the go wherever you are. Mine at any time you want!

Our team is constantly working on adding new features. Stay tuned not to miss the update!


Pubblicato: 08.07.2021

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