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CryptoTab Farm Tips

Mine on your PC, manage on your mobile!

Майни на ПК, управляй с мобильного!

Do I only need a computer to use the CryptoTab Farm app? No! You can manage your miner on the computer without the CryptoTab Farm app, but in order to use the full functionality, easily withdraw funds, and control the entire process remotely, you need to install the CryptoTab Farm app on your phone. With this app, you can set up mining as efficiently as possible, be always aware of what is happening, and manage your farm on the go at any time, wherever you are.

We can conclude that you need both your computer to install a miner and your mobile to properly control and use CryptoTab Farm in the most efficient way.

We hope you now understand the concept of CryptoTab Farm better. Have efficient mining!


Publié : 06.07.2021

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