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The browser that brings you income
CryptoTab Browser Mobile released on iOS!

iOS version of the world's first browser with a built-in mining algorithm is available on App Store! High-speed mining, income multiplying with CryptoTab Affiliate, mining remote control and other juicy CryptoTab features are now fully accessible for those owning devices with a bitten apple on it.

Apple devices have always stood out from the competition and required a special approach from software developers. Although we try to bring every CryptoTab product to perfection, we are especially proud of the long-awaited iOS version release.

2 billion more users

iOS is one of the most popular mobile operating systems on Earth — to be sure of this you don’t need statistics: just look around. Now when there are many more devices that support CryptoTab Browser it is the best moment to start developing your mining network and increase revenue.

Even more security & protection

Use your favorite browser on smartphones, tablets, desktops, and laptops with ANY operating system. However, it is best to manage CryptoTab service and withdraw funds to a BTC wallet using reliable and well-protected Apple devices.

No glitches or freezes

Fast and smooth work is the same distinctive feature of Apple technology as its logo or the ability to cause burning envy. We've optimized CryptoTab Browser so that mining doesn’t slow down your device or interfere with daily tasks — such as web-browsing or texting with friends and colleagues.

CryptoTab Mobile Browser's based on Chromium, which is known for high-speed operation and low requirements. It's just as fast, user-friendly and familiar as Google Chrome is — but with incredible built-in mining feature!

CryptoTab Browser for iOS devices — style, comfort, and safety combined with mobility

Interface utilisateur familière
Fonctions minières intégrées CryptoTab
Assistance pour la synchronisation sur plusieurs appareils
C'est un navigateur incroyablement léger et rapide

Publié : 06.03.2019

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