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The CryptoTab Team presents

CryptoTab START is a new extension for Google Chrome and CryptoTab Browser, which transforms new tab page into handy and useful tool. With it, you can take notes, keep a to-do list, manage bookmarks, applications and extensions right from the start page. CryptoTab START also has a weather widget and a CryptoTab account control panel.

Handy widgets

Notes, to-do list, browser history and bookmark management, extensions and applications: all the important features now are gathered on the start page. No more digging into settings and menus.

Weather forecast

The new tab displays current weather in your city. Click on the widget to open a detailed forecast for the next 5 days: with temperature, humidity, wind speed and other parameters.

CryptoTab dashboard

Check your balance and bitcoin exchange rate, request withdrawal and use other CryptoTab service features right from the new tab page. Dashboard can be disabled in the settings.

Background gallery

To add some eye candies, we've selected and uploaded more than 40 colourful HD backgrounds. They change automatically after a certain period of time – or every time you create a new tab.

Improve your web browsing experience – Try the new CryptoTab START extension!

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Publié : 29.12.2018

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