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Don’t miss out on our Black Friday flash offer!
Boost up on our Black Friday sale!

Our Black Friday smoothly turns into Cyber Monday – take your chance to get our generous discounts for Cloud.Boost!

On that occasion, CryptoTab’s Mad Hatters came up with an offer you can’t miss out on! Wondering what’s in the hat?! A 30% additional discount on all – absolutely all Cloud.Boost options for your smartphone! Your final discount may hit 80%!

Do you think you’ve missed Black Friday? Our magic lasts long, so discounts still stay on Cyber Monday! However, keep in mind: our offer is limited – you can only get the low-price Cloud.Boost feature from now until 30th November.

Earn even more bitcoins on the same device – take advantage of our special offer and increase your Cloud.Boost speed up to 300 times! After activation of mining, all the Boosts available – X2, X5, X10, and X15 – will combine!

To grab the discount, make sure your browser is updated to the latest version.

Hurry up – the countdown’s on, and have the speediest mining!


Please notify — Android only offer!

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