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Discover, explore, and take part in the leading NFT market

NFT Marketplace OpenSea Hits World’s Sales Records

Non-fungible tokens have proved their status as major trendsetters in the cryptocurrency market in 2021. At the end of last year, the total amount of all transactions made in the sector of non-fungible tokens (NFT) exceeded $250 million, demonstrating an impressive growth rate of 299% in annual terms.

Among several competing NFT marketplaces, OpenSea – a decentralized marketplace selling rare digital items and crypto-collectibles – turned out to be the most prominent and fruitful one. Since the start of 2021, against a backdrop of skyrocketing mass interest in NFT-campaigns, it managed to gain more than $10 billion in sales and trading volume and set the new all-time high sales record in November. The second most popular NFT market Axie Infinity (AXS) in the meantime exceeded $3 billion in sales.

The largest NFT market dominating the whole sector, nowadays Opensea boasts many “big names” of internationally acclaimed artists and wealthy individual NFT creators who largely contribute to its highest sales volumes. One of Opensea’s major assets is its accessibility for both skilled traders and crypto newbies: anyone can join the market for buying or selling digital collectibles in several simple steps, right after setting up a crypto wallet and linking it to the platform. There are numerous NFT categories on the Opensea to choose from: images, videos, audio, 3D art, trading cards, designs, utilities, and so on.

Those wishing to learn more about the NFT market should definitely take a closer look at other huge platforms that also secured their spot in the top ten most popular NFT markets: Larva Labs/CryptoPunks, NBA Top Shot Marketplace, Rarible, SuperRare, Foundation, and others.

Published: 09.12.2021

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