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Use CryptoTab Farm on your tablet

Use CryptoTab Farm on your tablet

Now you can manage your crypto farm on the tablet! We’ve optimized and adapted the powerful CryptoTab dashboard, and from now on you can use it not only on your mobile devices but on your tablets as well. This means that managing your crypto farm becomes more accessible to you. Even if you don't have a phone or computer at hand, you can still work on increasing your profits.

Use your iPad to earn more!

Owning a cryptocurrency is a big trend now and also a smart investment. With CryptoTab Farm you don’t need any specific knowledge or skills to earn BTC. This is your chance to increase your income easily! If you haven't tried CryptoTab Farm yet, now you can do it on any device you have. Check all the features of the dashboard, see how easy it is to manage the farm, monitor up-to-date statistics, set busy and inactive hours, optimize your mining schedule and perform any actions you want.

PC, mobile, tablet—get more bitcoins every minute engaging all devices you have!


Veröffentlicht: 28.09.2021

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